Our work
The work of the SoN is focused in three main areas:
SoN works with regulatory bodies, commissioning bodies, research bodies and governmental bodies, to promote Naturopathy and Naturopathic practice.
We seek to advise and inform national and international policy in regard to Naturopathy; via all media and direct contact we proffer information and guidance to involved parties.
Representatives of SoN participate in twelve different All-Party Parliamentary Groups in the UK and are well informed to contribute to committees and inquiries.
The Society sets, promotes, and maintains standards for the profession. Accrediting education providers who meet the exacting standards required to produce appropriately trained graduates.
Key to SoN’s success in supporting education providers is our understanding of the legislative and policy frameworks coupled with the ability to quickly identify key issues and advise on effective solutions.
SoN Support Teams are composed of experts in the fields of education, practice, client care, law, advertising, insurance, and research. With over 100 years of experience there are few situations with which we do not have some experience.